Advance information for 2022 exams

Below is a summary of the advnaced information for exams in 2022, it is sorted by exam baord and subject and paper to help you find information quickly.

I have tried to tell you the information as clearly as I can and every effort has been made to avoid errors but since first release some information has been changed, you should always check official exam board documents.

Link to full AQA information

Link to full OCR information

Link to full Edexcel information


Date; 17th May - Morning

The whole of AQA Biology Paper 1 in only 63 minutes!


1: use of a light microscope.
3: use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
5: investigate the effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis of an aquatic plant such as pondweed.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Cell division
-Animal tissues, organs and organ systems
-Communicable diseases

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Active transport
-Coronary heart disease: a non-communicable disease
-Uses of glucose from photosynthesis

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Biology Paper 2


7: measure the population size of a common species in a habitat

List of topics in Specification order;

-Hormonal control in humans
-Adaptations, interdependence and competition
-Organisation of an ecosystem

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-The human nervous system
-Hormones in human reproduction
-Sexual and asexual reproduction
-Sex determination
-Selective breeding
-Resistant bacteria
-Land use
-Global warming
-Maintaining biodiversity

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date; 27th May - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 1 in only 72 minutes!


8: preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt
9: investigate what happens when aqueous solutions are electrolysed
10: investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions

List of topics in Specification order;

-The periodic table
-How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
-Structure and bonding of carbon
-Reactivity of metals
-Reactions of acids

Topics not assessed in this paper:
• Not applicable

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 2 in only 48 minutes! 


11: investigate how changes in concentration affect the rates of reactions by a method involving measuring the volume of a gas produced and a method involving a change in colour or turbidity.
12: investigate how paper chromatography can be used to separate and tell the difference between coloured substances. Students should calculate Rf values. 

List of topics in Specification order;

-Rate of reaction
-Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
-Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock
-Purity, formulations and chromatography
-The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
-Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources
-Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water

Topic not assessed in this paper:
-Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

The Whole of AQA Physics Paper 1 in only 40 minutes! 


14: an investigation to determine the specific heat capacity of one or more materials. The investigation will involve linking the decrease of one energy store (or work done) to the increase in temperature and subsequent increase in thermal energy stored.
16: use circuit diagrams to construct appropriate circuits to investigate the I–V characteristics of a variety of circuit elements, including a filament lamp, a diode and a resistor at constant temperature.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes
-National and global energy resources
-Current, potential difference and resistance
-Changes of state and the particle model
-Atoms and nuclear radiation

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Domestic uses and safety
-Particle model and pressure
-Atoms and isotopes

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

The whole of AQA Physics Paper 2 in only 47 minutes! 


21: investigate how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends on the nature of that surface.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Forces and their interactions
-Describing motion along a line
-Forces, accelerations and Newton's Laws of motion
-Forces and braking
-Electromagnetic waves
-Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields
-The motor effect

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Forces and elasticity

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning

The whole of AQA Biology Paper 1 in only 63 minutes!


3: use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
4: investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction ofamylase enzyme.
5: investigate the effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis of an aquatic plant such as pondweed.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Cell division
-Animal tissues, organs and organ systems

Topics not assessed in this paper:
-Transport in cells
-Plant tissues, organs and systems
-Viral diseases
-Fungal diseases
-Protist diseases
-Human defence systems
-Uses of glucose from photosynthesis
-Response to exercise

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 15th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Biology Paper 2


7: measure the population size of a common species in a habitat

List of topics in Specification order;

-Hormonal control in humans
-Organisation of an ecosystem
-Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on an ecosystem

Topics not assessed in this paper:
-The human nervous system
-Sexual and asexual reproduction
-DNA and the genome
-Genetic inheritance
-Inherited disorders
-Sex determination
-Variation and evolution
-The development of understanding of genetics and evolution
-Land use
-Deforestation in this paper:

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 1 in only 72 minutes!


8: preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt
9: investigate what happens when aqueous solutions are electrolysed
10: investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions

List of topics in Specification order;

-How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances

-Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substances 
-Reactivity of metals
-Reactions of acids

-Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Topics not assessed in this paper:

• Not applicable

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 2 in only 48 minutes! 


11: investigate how changes in concentration affect the rates of reactions by a method involving measuring the volume of a gas produced and a method involving a change in colour or turbidity.
12: investigate how paper chromatography can be used to separate and tell the difference between coloured substances. Students should calculate Rf values.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Rate of reaction
-Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
-Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock
-Purity, formulations and chromatography
-The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
-Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Identification of common gases

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

The Whole of AQA Physics Paper 1 in only 40 minutes! 


14: an investigation to determine the specific heat capacity of one or more materials. The investigation will involve linking the decrease of one energy store (or work done) to the increase in temperature and subsequent increase in thermal energy stored.
16: use circuit diagrams to construct appropriate circuits to investigate the I–V characteristics of a variety of circuit elements, including a filament lamp, a diode and a resistor at constant temperature.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes
-Energy transfers
-Changes of state and the particle model
-Particle model and pressure
-Atoms and isotopes
-Atoms and nuclear radiation

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Series and parallel circuits
-Domestic uses and safety
-Internal energy and energy transfers

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

The whole of AQA Physics Paper 2 in only 47 minutes! 


21: investigate how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends on the nature of that surface.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Forces and their interactions
-Describing motion along a line
-Forces, accelerations and Newton's Laws of motion
-Electromagnetic waves
-The motor effect

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Forces and elasticity
-Forces and braking
-Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning

The whole of AQA Biology Paper 1 in only 63 minutes!


1: use a light microscope to observe plant cells.
3: investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt solution on the mass of plant tissue.
4: use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Cell structure
-Transport in cells
-Animal tissues, organs and organ systems
-Plant tissues, organs and systems
-Communicable diseases
-Monoclonal antibodies

Topics not assessed in this paper:
-Antibiotics and pain killers
-Discovery and development of drugs
-Response to exercise

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Biology Paper 2


8: investigate the effect of light on the growth of newly germinated seedlings.
9: measure the population size of a common species in a habitat.

List of topics in Specification order;

-The human nervous system
-Hormonal control in humans
-Plant hormones
-Organisation of an ecosystem

Topics not assessed in this paper:
-Structure and function
-The brain
-The eye
-Hormones in human reproduction
-The use of hormones to treat infertility
-Negative feedback
-Use of plant hormones
-Advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction
-Sex determination
-Variation and evolution
-The development of understanding of genetics and evolution
-Classification of living organisms
-Impact of environmental change
-Maintaining biodiversity
-Trophic levels
-Pyramids of biomass
-Sustainable fisheries
-Role of biotechnology

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 1 in only 72 minutes!


1: preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt from an insoluble oxide or carbonate, using a Bunsen burner to heat dilute acid and a water bath or electric heater to evaporate the solution.
2: determination of the reacting volumes of solutions of a strong acid and a strong alkali by titration.
4: investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions such as, eg, acid plus metals, acid plus carbonates, neutralisations, displacement of metals.

List of topics in Specification order;

-The periodic table
-Chemical bonds, ionic, covalent and metallic
-How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
-Structure and bonding of carbon
-Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substances
-Reactivity of metals
-Reactions of acids
-Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 2 in only 48 minutes! 


5: investigate how changes in concentration affect the rates of reactions by a method involving measuring the volume of a gas produced and a method involving a change in colour or turbidity. This should be an investigation developing a hypothesis.
7: use of chemical tests to identify the ions in unknown single ionic compounds covering the ions from sections Flame tests through to Sulfates.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Rate of reaction
-Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
-Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock
-The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
-Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water
-The Haber process and the use of NPK fertilisers

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

The Whole of AQA Physics Paper 1 in only 40 minutes! 


2: investigate the effectiveness of different materials as thermal insulators and the factors that may affect the thermal insulation properties of a material.
5: use appropriate apparatus to make and record the measurements needed to determine the densities of regular and irregular solid objects and liquids

List of topics in Specification order;

-Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes
-Conservation and dissipation of energy
-Energy transfers
-Changes of state and the particle model
-Internal energy and energy transfers

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Current, potential difference and resistance
-Series and parallel circuits
-Domestic uses and safety
-Particle model and pressure
-Atoms and isotopes
-Hazards and uses of radioactive emissions and of background radiation
-Nuclear fission and fusion

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

The whole of AQA Physics Paper 2 in only 47 minutes! 


9: investigate the reflection of light by different types of surface and the refraction of light by different substances.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Forces and their interactions
-Work done and energy transfer
-Forces and elasticity
-Pressure and pressure differences in fluids
-Describing motion along a line
-Waves in air, fluids and solids
-Solar system; stability of orbital motions; satellites

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Moments, levers and gears
-Electromagnetic waves
-Black body radiation
-Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning

The whole of AQA Biology Paper 1 in only 63 minutes!


1: how a light microscope is used to observe plant cells.
3: investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt solution on the mass of plant tissue.
4: use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
6: investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Cell structure
-Transport in cells
-Animal tissues, organs and organ systems
-Communicable diseases

Topics not assessed in this paper:
-Cell differentiation
-Principles of organisation
-Protist diseases
-Uses of glucose from photosynthesis
-Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
-Response to exercise

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Biology Paper 2


7: carry out an investigation into human reaction times.
8: investigate the effect of light on the growth of newly germinated seedlings.
9: measure the population size of a common species in a habitat.

List of topics in Specification order;

-The human nervous system
-Hormonal control in humans
-Plant hormones
-The development of understanding of genetics and evolution

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-The brain
-The eye
-Maintaining water and nitrogen balance in the body
-Advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction
-DNA structure
-Sex determination
-Variation and evolution
-Theory of evolution
-The understanding of genetics
-Resistant bacteria
-How materials are cycled
-Land use
-Global warming
-Maintaining biodiversity
-Trophic levels in an ecosystem
-Food production 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 1 in only 72 minutes!


1: preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt from an insoluble oxide or carbonate, using a Bunsen burner to heat dilute acid and a water bath or electric heater to evaporate the solution.
2: determination of the reacting volumes of solutions of a strong acid and a strong alkali by titration.
4: investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions such as, eg, acid plus metals, acid plus carbonates, neutralisations, displacement of metals.

List of topics in Specification order;

-A simple model of the atom, symbols, relative atomic mass, electronic charge and isotopes
-The periodic table
-Chemical bonds, ionic, covalent and metallic
-How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
-Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles
-Reactions of acids
-Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Chemical cells and fuel cells

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 2 in only 48 minutes! 


5: investigate how changes in concentration affect the rates of reactions by a method involving measuring the volume of a gas produced and a method involving a change in colour or turbidity. This should be an investigation developing a hypothesis.
6: investigate how paper chromatography can be used to separate and tell the difference between coloured substances. Students should calculate Rf values.
7: use of chemical tests to identify the ions in unknown single ionic compounds covering the ions from sections Flame tests through to Sulfates.
8: analysis and purification of water samples from different sources, including pH, dissolved solids and distillation.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Rate of reaction
-Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
-Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock
-Identification of ions by chemical and spectroscopic means
-The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
-Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water
-Life cycle assessment and recycling
-The Haber process and the use of NPK fertilisers

Topic not assessed in this paper:

-Identification of common gases

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

The Whole of AQA Physics Paper 1 in only 40 minutes! 


2: investigate the effectiveness of different materials as thermal insulators and the factors that may affect the thermal insulation properties of a material.
5: use appropriate apparatus to make and record the measurements needed to determine the densities of regular and irregular solid objects 

List of topics in Specification order;

-Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes
-Conservation and dissipation of energy
-Current, potential difference and resistance
-Static electricity
-Changes of state and the particle model
-Internal energy and energy transfers
-Atoms and nuclear radiation

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Domestic uses and safety
-Particle model and pressure
-Atoms and isotopes
-Nuclear fission and fusion

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

The whole of AQA Physics Paper 2 in only 47 minutes! 


9: investigate the reflection of light by different types of surface and the refraction of light by different substances.

List of topics in Specification order;

-Forces and their interactions
-Work done and energy transfer
-Describing motion along a line
-Waves in air, fluids and solids
-Electromagnetic waves
-Solar system; stability of orbital motions; satellites

Topics not assessed in this paper:

-Moments, levers and gears
-Forces, accelerations and Newton's Laws of motion
-Forces and braking
-Black body radiation

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning


Core Practical 1.10 Investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Cells and control – cell cycle 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – reproduction and DNA 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – evolution and selective breeding 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – disease 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – immune system 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – microscopy 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – osmosis 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – inheritance 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – genetic engineering 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – new medicines 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 1.6 Investigate biological specimens using microscopes, including magnification calculations and labelled scientific drawings from observations.
  • Core Practical 6.5 Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – cells and microscopes 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – photosynthesis 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – movement of substances through plants 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – the heart and blood 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – enzymes 
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – hormones
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – diabetes 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – respiration
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – communities 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning


  • Core Practical 3.6 Investigate the change in pH on adding powdered calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide to a fixed volume of dilute hydrochloric acid 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – States of matter 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – Methods of separating and purifying substances 
  • Topic 3 Chemical changes – Acids and bases 
  • Topic 3 Chemical changes – Acids and making salts 

    Topics not assessed in this paper:


  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Obtaining and using metals 
  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Reversible reactions and equilibria 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 7.1 Investigate the effects of changing the conditions of a reaction on the rates of chemical reaction 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 1 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 7 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 0 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Rates of reaction 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Heat energy changes in chemical reactions 
  • Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science – Fuels 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Covalent bonding 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon


  • Core Practical 4.17 Investigate the suitability of equipment to measure the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave in a solid and a fluid 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Velocity and acceleration
  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Reaction times and stopping distances 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Conservation of energy and energy transfers and efficiency
  • Topic 4 Waves – Waves and their effects 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Electromagnetic waves 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Harmful effects and uses of electromagnetic radiation 
  • Topic 6 Radioactivity – Activity of radioactive sources, half-life, dangers and applications

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s laws 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Energy sources and patterns in usage of energy 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Emission and absorption of thermal radiation 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning


  • Core Practical 14.3 Investigate the densities of solids and liquids
  • Core Practical 14.11 Investigate the properties of water by determining the specific heat capacity of water and obtaining a temperature time graph for melting ice. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 8 Energy – forces doing work
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical circuit principles 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical energy and power 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – a.c. and d.c. used in practice 
  • Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect – Magnets and magnetic fields 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 9 Forces and their effects – describing and representing forces 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical devices 
  • Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect – Electromagnetism 
  • Topic 13 Electromagnetic induction – Transformers
  • Topic 14 Particle model – Pressure of a gas 
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter – Elasticity 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning


  • Core Practical 1.6 Investigate biological specimens using microscopes, including magnification calculations and labelled scientific drawings from observations.
  • Core Practical 1.10 Investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – enzymes 
  • Topic 2 Cells and control – cell cycle 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – reproduction and DNA 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – inheritance 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – genetic modification 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – disease 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in Biology – transport into and out of cells 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – variation 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – defence against disease 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 8.11 Investigate the rate of respiration in living organisms.
  • Core Practical 9.5 Investigate the relationship between organisms and their environment using field-work techniques, including quadrats and belt transects. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 7 Animal co-ordination, control, and homeostasis – human hormones 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – respiration 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – organisms and the environment 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – conservation and material cycles  

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – enzymes 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – transport into and out of cells 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – limiting factors on photosynthesis 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – communities  

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning


  • Core Practical 3.6 Investigate the change in pH on adding powdered calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide to a fixed volume of dilute hydrochloric acid
  • Core Practical 3.31 Investigate the electrolysis of copper sulfate solution with inert electrodes and copper electrodes 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 3 Chemical changes – Acids and bases 
  • Topic 3 Chemical changes – Electrolytic processes 
  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Obtaining and using metals 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – The periodic table 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – States of matter 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – Methods of separating and purifying substances 
  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Reversible reactions and equilibria 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 7.1 Investigate the effects of changing the conditions of a reaction on the rates of chemical reaction 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 7 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 0 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Rates of reaction 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Heat energy changes in chemical reactions 
  • Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science – Fuels 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Ionic bonding 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Covalent bonding 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

Practicals; No core practicals are assessed in this paper

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Velocity and acceleration 
  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s 3rd law and momentum 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – energy transfers and efficiency 
  • Topic 6 Radioactivity – Emission of ionising radiations 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s 1st law and 2nd law 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Energy sources and patterns in usage of energy 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Emission and absorption of thermal radiation 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning


Core Practical 10.17 Construct electrical circuits to A: Investigate the relationship between potential difference, current and resistance for a resistor and a lamp B: test series and parallel circuits using resistors and filament lamps

  • Core Practical 14.3 Investigate the densities of solids and liquids
  • Core Practical 14.11 Investigate the properties of water by determining the specific heat capacity of water and obtaining a temperature-time graph for melting ice. 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 8 Energy – forces doing work (8.1–8.15)
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical circuit principles (10.1–10.17)
  • Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect – Magnets and magnetic fields (12.1–12.6)
  • Topic 14 Particle Model – Properties of solids, liquid and gases (14.1–14.5) 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 9 Forces and their effects – Describing and representing forces 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – a.c. and d.c. used in practice 
  • Topic 13 Electromagnetic induction – Transformers
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter – Elasticity 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning


  • Core Practical 1.6: Investigate biological specimens using microscopes, including magnification calculations and labelled scientific drawings from observations
  • Core Practical 1.10: Investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity
  • Core Practical 5.18B: Investigate the effects of antiseptics, antibiotics or plant extracts on microbial cultures 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Cells and control – cell cycle 
  • Topic 2 Cells and control – brain and eye  
  • Topic 3 Genetics – reproduction and DNA
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – inheritance 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – selective breeding and genetic modification 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – disease 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – antibiotics

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – transport into and out of cells 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – proteins 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – genetic disorders and mutations 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – genetic engineering of plants 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – defence against disease 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – monoclonal antibodies 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 8.11: Investigate the rate of respiration in living organisms
  • Core Practical 9.5: Investigate the relationship between organisms and their environment using fieldwork techniques, including quadrats and belt transects 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – transport of substances in plants 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – plant hormones 
  • Topic 7 Animal co-ordination, control, and homeostasis – human hormones 
  • Topic 7 Animal co-ordination, control, and homeostasis – thermoregulation and diabetes 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – gas exchange
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – respiration
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – energy transfers 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – conservation and material cycles
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – decomposition 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – enzymes 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – transport into and out of cells 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – limiting factors on photosynthesis 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – communities 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning


• Core Practical 3.6 Investigate the change in pH on adding powdered calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide to a fixed volume of dilute hydrochloric acid 

• Core Practical 3.31 Investigate the electrolysis of copper sulfate solution with inert electrodes and copper electrodes 

• Core Practical 5.9C Carry out an accurate acid-alkali titration, using burette, pipette and a suitable indicator 

List of topics in Specification order;

• Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance  

• Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 

• Topic 3 Chemical changes – Acids and bases 

• Topic 3 Chemical changes – Electrolytic processes 

• Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Obtaining and using metals 

• Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Quantitative analysis 

• Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Dynamic equilibrium 

    Topics not assessed in this paper:


  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – The periodic table 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – States of matter 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – Methods of separating and purifying substances 
  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Reversible reactions and equilibria 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 7.1 Investigate the effects of changing the conditions of a reaction on the rates of chemical reaction
  • Core Practical 9.28C Investigate the temperature rise produced in a known mass of water by the combustion of the alcohols ethanol, propanol, butanol and pentanol 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 7 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Rates of reaction 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Heat energy changes in chemical reactions 
  • Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science – Fuels 
  • Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science – Earth and atmospheric science 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Qualitative analysis: tests for ions 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles 

    Topics not assessed in this paper:


  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Ionic bonding 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Covalent bonding 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

Practicals; No core practicals are assessed in this paper

List of topics in Specification order;

• Topic 2 Motion and forces – Velocity and acceleration 

• Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s 3rd law and momentum 

• Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Energy transfers and efficiency 

• Topic 4 Waves – Sound with applications 

• Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Light and lenses 

• Topic 6 Radioactivity – Emission of ionising radiations 

• Topic 7 Astronomy – Big Bang and Steady State theory  

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s 1st law and 2nd law 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Energy sources and patterns in usage of energy 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Emission and absorption of thermal radiation 
  • Topic 7 Astronomy – Solar System 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning


• Core Practical 10.17 Construct electrical circuits to: A Investigate the relationship between potential difference, current and resistance for a resistor and a lamp B: B test series and parallel circuits using resistors and filament lamps

  • Core Practical 14.3 Investigate the densities of solids and liquids
  • Core Practical 14.11 Investigate the properties of water by determining the specific heat capacity of water and obtaining a temperature-time graph for melting ice 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 8 Energy – Forces doing work 
  • Topic 9 Forces and their effects – Rotation and the principle of moments 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical circuit principles 
  • Topic 11 Static electricity 
  • Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect - Magnets and magnetic fields
  • Topic 13 Electromagnetic induction – Transformers 
  • Topic 14 Particle Model – Properties of solids, liquids and gases 
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter – Pressure in fluids 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – ac and dc used in practice 
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter – Elasticity 
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter – Archimedes’ principle 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning


  • Core Practical 1.10: Investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity
  • Core Practical 1.13B: Investigate the use of chemical reagents to identify starch, reducing sugars, proteins and fats 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Cells and control – brain and eye 
  •  Topic 3 Genetics – reproduction and DNA 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – evolution and selective breeding 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – disease 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – immune system 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – microscopy 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – osmosis 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – proteins 
  • Topic 3 Genetics – inheritance 
  • Topic 4 Natural selection and genetic modification – genetic engineering 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – plant defences 
  • Topic 5 Health, disease, and the development of medicines – microbial cultures 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers 

Date;15th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 1.6: Investigate biological specimens using microscopes, including magnification calculations and labelled scientific drawings from observations
  • Core Practical 6.5: Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – cells and microscopes (1.1–1.6) 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – movement of substances through plants (6.7–6.12)
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – homeostasis (7.9–7.12B)
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – urinary system (7.18B–7.22B)
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – the heart and blood (8.6–8.9)
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – energy transfer (9.7B–9.9) 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in biology – enzymes 
  • Topic 6 Plant structures and their functions – plant hormones 
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – hormones 
  • Topic 7 Animal coordination, control, and homeostasis – diabetes 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – diffusion 
  • Topic 8 Exchange and transport in animals – respiration 
  • Topic 9 Ecosystems and material cycles – communities  

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Morning


• Core Practical 3.6  Investigate the change in pH on adding powdered calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide to a fixed volume of dilute hydrochloric acid 

• Core Practical 5.9C Carry out an accurate acid-alkali titration, using burette, pipette and a suitable indicator 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance (1.32–1.42) 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Calculations involving masses 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – States of matter 
  • Topic 2 States of matter and mixtures – Methods of separating and purifying substances 
  • Topic 3 Chemical changes – Acids and bases 
  • Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Transition metals, alloys and corrosion 
  • Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Quantitative analysis 
  • Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Dynamic Equilibria 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Obtaining and using metals 
  • Topic 4 Extracting metals and equilibria – Reversible reactions and equilibria 
  • Topic 5 Separate chemistry 1 – Chemical cells and fuel cells (5.25C–5.27C) 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning


  • Core Practical 7.1 Investigate the effects of changing the conditions of a reaction on the rates of chemical reaction
  • Core Practical 9.6C Identify the ions in unknown salts 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 1
  •  Topic 6 Groups in the periodic table – Group 7 
  • Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Rates of reaction 
  •  Topic 7 Rates of reaction and energy changes – Heat energy changes in chemical reactions 
  • Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science – Fuels 
  • Topic 8 Earth and atmospheric science 
  •  Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Qualitative analysis: tests for ions 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Hydrocarbons 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Polymers 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Atomic structure 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Covalent bonding 
  • Topic 1 Key concepts in chemistry – Types of substance 
  • Topic 9 Separate chemistry 2 – Alcohols and carboxylic acids 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon


  • Core Practical 4.17: Investigate the suitability of equipment to measure the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave in a solid and a fluid 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Velocity and acceleration 
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – energy transfers and efficiency 
  • Topic 4 Waves – Waves and their effects 
  •  Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Light and lenses 
  • Topic 6 Radioactivity – Activity of radioactive sources, half-life, dangers and applications 
  • Topic 6 Radioactivity – Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion 
  • Topic 7 Astronomy – Solar System 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 2 Motion and forces – Newton’s 3rd Law
  • Topic 3 Conservation of energy – Energy sources and patterns in usage of energy 
  • Topic 4 Waves – Sound with applications 
  • Topic 5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Emission and absorption of thermal radiation 
  • Topic 7 Astronomy – Big Bang and Steady State theory  

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning


  • Core practical 14.3 Investigate the densities of solids and liquids
  • Core practical 14.11 Investigate the properties of water by determining the specific heat capacity of water and obtaining a temperature time graph for melting ice 

List of topics in Specification order;

  • Topic 8 Energy – Forces doing work 
  • Topic 9 Forces and their effects – Rotation and principles of moments 
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical circuit principles 
  • Topic 11 Static electricity: 
  •  Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect – Magnets and magnetic fields 
  • Topic 14 Particle model – Pressure of a gas (14.12–14.19)
  • Topic 15 Forces and Matter – Pressure in fluids 

Topics not assessed in this paper:

  • Topic 9 Forces and their effects – Describing and representing forces
  • Topic 10 Electricity and circuits – Electrical devices 
  • Topic 12 Magnetism and the motor effect – Electromagnetism 
  • Topic 13 Electromagnetic induction 
  • Topic 15 Forces and matter 

Topics not listed may be assessed in linked or synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th May - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Four operations

-Negative numbers

-Order of operations


-Arithmetic fractions
-Fraction of a number

-Laws of Indices

-Conversion of standard form

-Calculation using standard form

-Inequality notation

-Systematic listing

-Linear equations

-Linear graphs

-Intersection of lines on linear graphs

-Sequence rule to find a term

-Lengths conversions

-Amount as a percentage

-Fraction less than 1

-Ratio to fraction

-Cost problem

-Density problems

-Naming circle parts

-Types of triangle



-Sector of a circle

-Angles In triangles


-Two-way tables

-Averages problem


-Venn diagrams

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Order of operations

-Fraction of a number
-Improper fraction
-Fraction to decimal

-Number line decimal
-Number problem
-Prime number
-Cube number
-Decimal place

-Inequality notation

-Linear equations

-Equivalent expressions
-Multiply out

-Point on line
-Intercept of a line
-Gradient of a line
-Equation of a line


-Ratio and percentage
-Percentage increase
-Percentage decrease

-n : 1 form

-Proportion problem
-Scale diagram
-Better value
-Ratio to percentage
-Equation to percentage
-Rate of output

-Draw shape
-Part of circle
-Time problem
-Compound shape

-Pie chart

-Relative frequency
-Expected value
-Tree diagram

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Place value
-Highest Common Factor
-Error interval

-Indicies Calculation

-Money problem
-Units of measure

-Number machine

-Graphs Roots
-Turning point
-Arithmetic Sequences
-Geometric Sequences
-nth term 

-Share into a ratio
-Ratio problem
-Ratio to graph
-Average speed
-Percentage increase
-Fraction to percentage

-Name shapes
-Regular shapes
-Line symmetry
-Rotational symmetry

-Compound shape
-Alternate angles
-Vector arithmetic

-Two-way table
-Vertical line diagram
-Mean from diagram
-Bar chart

-Frequency tree
-Estimate of probability

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th May - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Arithmetic Fractions
-Fraction of a number
-Value as fraction of another
-Recurring decimals as fractions
-Percentage as operator
-Laws of Indices
-Standard Form Conversion and Calculation
-Surds Simplification

-Equations Of a straight line
-Linear equations
-Simplification of algebraic fraction
-Factorisation of quadratic
-Change subject
-Recognise Graphs
-Sketch function
-Speed time
-Inequality region
-Sequences Algebraic

-Ratio Simplest form
-Proportion problem

-Exact trigonometric values

-Sector a of circle
-Vector geometry
-Constructions Region

-Cumulative frequency

-Venn diagram
-Tree diagram
-Expected value
-Independent events

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Prime number
-Cube number
-Decimal places
-Fractions Products
-Indices Negative

-Equations of a circle
-Linear equations
-Quadratic equations
-Number line inequality
-Factorisation of quadratic
-Multiply out
-Completing the square
-Coordinate problem
-Perpendicular lines
-Turning point
-Functions Inverse
-Sequences Triangular number

-Share into a ratio
-Ratio on a line
-Fraction To percentage
-Conversions Time
-Equation to percentage
-Rate of output
-Percentage increase
-Percentage decrease

-Compound shape
-Volume scale factor
-Shape Plan
-Measures Time
-Geometric proof

-Estimation from sample
-Pie chart

-Relative frequency
-Expected value
-Probability Notation

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Highest Common Factor
-Lowest Common Multiple
-Error interval
-Decimals Ordering
-Recurring decimals
-Other Product rule for counting

-Quadratic equations 
-Simultaneous linear/quadratic equations
-Triple bracket
-Turning points
-Functions Composite
-Arithmetic Sequences
-Geometric Sequences
-nth term

-Share into a ratio
-Average speed
-Population density
-Percentage increase
-Compound interest

-Compound shape
-Circle theorems
-Sine/Cosine rule
-Vector arithmetic

-Two-way table
-Box plot
-Median, quartiles
-Interquartile range
-Line of best fit

-Independent events

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th May - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;


-Negative numbers

-Order fractions, decimals, percentages

-Fraction of an amount

-Fraction arithmetic

-Place value

-Product of prime factors

-Standard Form Conversion and Calculation

-Approximation and Estimation Estimation


-Substitute values

-Equations and inequalities Linear inequality

-Quadratic equation

-Quadratic graph

-Linear sequence

-Conversion Length

-Percentage of an amount

-Percentage increase

-Ratio Write as a ratio

-Share in a ratio

-Direct proportion

-Compound Measures Speed and Density

-Shape Reflection

-Plan and elevation

-Angles Angles in a polygon

-Length, area and volume Volume of a cube

-Volume of a cylinder

-Pythagoras’s Theorem and Trigonometry Exact trigonometric values


-Frequency tree

-Diagrams Pictogram

-Bar chart

-Stem and leaf diagram

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Arithmetic Money

-Negative number

-Fraction arithmetic

-Order fractions

-Order integers


-Approximation and Estimation Rounding

-Error interval

-Mathematical symbols


-Expansion of bracket


-Laws of indices

-Equations and inequalities Linear simultaneous equations

-Graphs Coordinates

-Straight line graph

-Functions Number machines

-Conversions Mass, time, area

-Scale drawing

-Decimal to percentage

-Percentage profit


-Write as a ratio

-Use of ratio

-Proportion Direct proportion

-Currency conversion

-Geometry and measures



-Parallel and perpendicular lines


-Angles in a triangle

-Vertically opposite angles

-Area of a rectangle

-Probability Tree diagram

-Combined events


-Diagrams Interpret graph

-Two-way table

-Frequency table




Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Four operations

-Negative number

-Fraction of an amount

-One amount as a fraction of another

-Equivalent fractions


-Lowest Common Multiple

-Powers and roots Square root

-Approximation and estimation Rounding

-Calculator use


-Expansion of bracket


-Substitute values

-Change subject of a formula

-Forming an expression

-Linear equation

-Form an equation

-Linear sequence

-Conversions Time

-Compound units

-Scale drawing

-Percentage to fraction

-One quantity as a percentage of another

-Percentage decrease

-Reverse percentage

-Write as a ratio

-1 : n form

-Direct proportion

-Average speed

-Geometry and measures

-Triangle properties


-Triangular prism

-Angle properties of parallel lines

-Angles in a triangle

-Vertically opposite angles


-Area of a triangle

-Area of a trapezium

-Pythagoras’s Theorem and Trigonometry Pythagoras’s Theorem

-Probability scale

-Frequency polygon



-Comparison of distributions

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th May - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Fraction of an amount

-Fraction arithmetic

-Recurring decimal to fraction

-Product of prime factors

-Negative and fractional indices

-Powers and roots Simplification of surds

-Standard Form Conversion and Calculation


-Expansion of brackets

-Algebraic fractions

-Linear inequality

-Form an equation

-Quadratic equation

-Equation of a tangent to a circle

-Quadratic graph

-Speed-time graph

-Gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines

-Gradient of a curve

-Percentage of an amount

-Write as a ratio

-Use of ratio

-Share in a ratio

-Ratio to fraction

-Equations of proportion

-Compound Measures Density

-Angles in a polygon

-Area of a triangle

-Volume of a cube

-Surface area of a cuboid

-Area of a sector

-Pythagoras’s Theorem

-Exact trigonometric values

-Vector geometry


-Probability Probability

-Independent combined events

-Cumulative frequency graph


-Inter-quartile range

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Error interval

-Use of a calculator


-Expansion of bracket


-Laws of indices

-Linear equation

-Equations of parallel lines

-Form an equation

-Quadratic inequality

-Graph Coordinates

-Transformations of functions

-Graphs of trigonometric functions

-Inverse and composite functions

-Conversions Area

-Percentages Depreciation

-Use of ratio

-Direct proportion

-Currency conversion

-Inverse proportion

-Compound measures Pressure

-Shape Transformations

-Circle theorems

-Area of a rectangle

-Volume of composite solid

-Pythagoras’s Theorem and Trigonometry Sine and Cosine Rules

-Probability from a Venn diagram

-Diagrams Box plot

-Lower and upper quartiles

-Compare distributions

-Capture-recapture method

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

The Whole of GCSE Maths in Only 2 Hours - YouTube Video

List of topics in Specification order;

-Negative number

-Laws of indices


-Product rule for counting


-Expansion of bracket

-Substitute values

-Difference of two squares

-Expansion of brackets

-Change subject of a formula

-Forming an expression

-Algebraic fractions

-Set up and solve equation

-Simultaneous equations linear/quadratic

-Gradient of a straight line graph

-Conversions Time

-Percentage decrease


-Reverse percentage

-Write as a ratio

-1 : n form

-Share in a ratio

-Direct proportion

-Average speed

-General iterative processes

-Geometry and measures

-Circle theorems

-Area of a trapezium

-Similar triangles

-Pythagoras’s Theorem


-Trigonometry in 3-D

-Column vectors

-Dependent combined events

-Frequency polygon


Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 18th May - Morning

There is no advance information for Paper 1 due to the nature of the source and questions in this paper
Date; 10th June - Morning

Section A

Source A 
-21st century
-Autobiographical writing

Source B
-19th century

Section B


Date; 25th may - Morning

There will be no advance information on what exams will cover for GCSE English Literature

Date; 8th June - Morning

There will be no advance information on what exams will cover for GCSE English Literature

Date; 18th May - Morning

There is no advance information for Paper 1 due to the nature of the source and questions in this paper

Date; 10th June - Morning

Section A

Source A
-20th century

-Extract from a magazine article

Source B
-21st century
-Extract from a memoir

Section B

-A choice between a letter and an article

Date; 25th may - Morning

There will be no advance information on what exams will cover for GCSE English Literature

Date; 8th June - Morning

There will be no advance information on what exams will cover for GCSE English Literature

Date; 17th May - Morning

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 1

Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid-base titration

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Atomic Structure
-Amount of substance (including Required Practical 1)
-Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Afternoon

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 6

Tests for alcohol, aldehyde, alkene and carboxylic acid

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Amount of substance
-Organic analysis (including Required Practical 6)

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Amount of substance (includes practical skills)
-Enthalpy changes (includes practical skills)
-The halogens (includes practical skills)
-Bonding and structure

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Acids (includes practical skills)
-Reaction rates (includes practical skills)
-Amount of substance (includes practical skills)
-Chemical equilibrium
-Group 2
-Enthalpy changes

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th May - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 5 Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance
  • Topic 1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
  • Topic 2B Structure
  • Topic 4A The elements of Groups 1 and 2 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 27th May - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 8 Energetics I, including understanding of Core Practical 8
  • Topic 6E Alcohols, including understanding of Core Practical 6
  • Topic 9 Kinetics I
  • Topic 6C Alkenes 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 19th May - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure  

List of topics in Specification order;

Pure Mathematics 1

  • Formal proof
  • Manipulation of polynomials, factor theorem, roots of equations
  • Graphs of functions, factorisation
  • Coordinate geometry of circles and straight lines
  • The binomial expansion
  • Sine and cosine rules
  • Trigonometric equations and identities
  • Exponentials: Use of formula and rate of change
  • Laws of logarithms
  • Logarithmic graphs to estimate parameters
  • Tangents and normals, area under a curve
  • Use calculus to find minima
  • Integration of xn and related sums, differences and constant multiples
  • Vectors: addition, subtraction and magnitude, solving problems in pure mathematics 

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 8th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;


  • Histogram and connection to probability distributions
  • Box and whisker plots
  • Regression lines; correlation
  • Discrete probability distributions
  • Hypothesis testing and significance level 


  • Use and interpret graphs in kinematics
  • Constant acceleration
  • Variable acceleration in a straight line
  • Dynamics of connected particles moving in a straight line, Newton’s laws 

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 19th May - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Section A
• Proof
• Factorising polynomials
• Transformations of graphs, trigonometric functions
• Coordinate geometry and equation of circle
• Binomial expansion, coefficients
• Trigonometric equations, trigonometric identities, quadratics
• Laws of logarithms
• Stationary points of a curve
• Tangents and normals to a curve
• Area under a curve

Section B
• Magnitude and direction of a vector, Newton's laws of motion
• Constant acceleration formulae
• Constant acceleration formulae, motion due to gravity
• Velocity-time graphs
• Forces in 2D
• Newton's laws of motion, calculus in kinematics
• Weight, Newton's laws of motion

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic  questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 8th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Section A
• Conditions for real or repeated roots of a quadratic, inequalities
• Factorising cubics
• Manipulating surds
• Sine and cosine rules
• Trigonometric equations, periodicity of trigonometric functions
• Exponential models
• The natural logarithm function
• Second derivative of a function
• Area under a curve, simultaneous equations, interpreting inequalities graphically
• Integrating polynomials

Section B
• Sampling techniques
• Interpreting statistical diagrams, distributions
• Mean and standard deviation
• Discrete probability distributions
• Probabilities from a binomial distribution
• Hypothesis test for proportion, binomial distribution

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

"Date; 20th May - Afternoon

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 2;

Preparation of stained squashes of cells from plant root tips; set up and use of and optical microscope to identify the stages of mitosis in these stained squashes and calculation of a mitotic index

Required Practical 3; 

Production of a dilution series of a solute to produce a calibration curve with which to identify the water potential of plant tissue

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Cell structure
-Transport across cell membranes (including Required Practical 3)
-All cells arise from other cells (including Required Practical 2)
-Cell recognition and the immune system
-Mass transport
-Digestion and absorption

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 5; 

Dissection of animal or plant gas exchange or mass transport system or of organ within such a system

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Mass transport (including Required Practical 5)
-Gas exchange
-Genetic diversity can arise as a result of mutation or during meiosis
-Investigating diversity
-Species and taxonomy

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th May - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 2.3 Eukaryotic cell cycle and function including understanding of Core Practical 3
  • Topic 2.1 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure and function including understanding of Core Practical 2
  • Topic 1.1 Carbohydrates
  • Topic 1.2 Lipids 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 4.4 Circulation
  • Topic 4.7 Transport in plants including understanding of Core Practical 8
  • Topic 4.2 Cell transport mechanisms including understanding of Core Practical 5
  • Topic 3.1 Classification
  • Topic 3.2 Natural selection
  • Topic 3.3 Biodiversity 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Paper 1 Introductory topics in Psychology

Date; 16th May - Morning

List of topics in Specification order

    • Conformity to social roles
    • Explanations for obedience
    • Minority influence
    • The role of social influence
    • The multi-store model of memory
    • Explanations for forgetting
    • Animal studies of attachment
    • Explanations of attachment
    • Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’
    • Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation

Topics not listed but may be assesssed in synoptic questions and may add to extended writing answers.

Students will be credited for using any relevant knowledge from any non-listed topic areas
when answering questions.

Paper 2: Psychology in context

Date; 26th May - Morning

List of topics in Specification order

    • Learning approaches
    • The cognitive approach
    • The structure and function of sensory, relay and motor neurons
    • The fight or flight response
    • Definitions of abnormality
    • The behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of phobias, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • The behavioural approach
    • The cognitive approach 
    Research methods – No advance information provided.

Topics not listed but may be assesssed in synoptic questions and may add to extended writing answers.

Students will be credited for using any relevant knowledge from any non-listed topic areas
when answering questions.

Date; 13th June - Morning

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

None listed

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Acids and bases
-Amount of substance
-Transition metals
-Group 7(17), the halogens
-Atomic structure
-Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 10

Preparation of an organic solid and a test of its purity

Preparation of a pure organic liquid

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Alkenes (including Required Practical 10)
-Amount of substance
-Amino acids, proteins and DNA
-Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc
-Rate equations
-Aromatic chemistry
-Introduction to organic chemistry

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 2

Measurement of an enthalpy change

Required Practical 7

Measuring the rate of reaction by an initial rate method

Required Practical 4

Carry out simple test-tube reactions to identify cations and anions in aqueous solution

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Thermodynamics (including Required Practical 2)
-Introduction to organic chemistry
-Transition metals
-Rate equations (including Required Practical 7)
-Amount of substance (including Required Practical 4)
-Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Amount of substance (includes practical skills)
-Transition elements
-Acids, bases and buffers (includes practical skills)
-Enthalpy changes (includes practical skills)
-How fast?
-Enthalpy and entropy
-Acids (includes practical skills)

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Amount of substance (includes practical skills)
-Aromatic compounds
-Organic synthesis (includes practical skills)
-Carbonyl compounds (includes practical skills)
-Basic concepts of organic chemistry
-Analytical techniques
-Polyesters and polyamides

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Amount of substance (includes practical skills)
-Redox and electrode potentials (includes practical skills)
-Chemical equilibrium (includes practical skills)
-Basic concepts of organic chemistry
-Organic synthesis (includes practical skills)
-Acids, bases and buffers
-Lattice enthalpy (includes practical skills)
-Amino acids, amides and chirality

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 13th June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 14 Redox II
  • Topic 12 Acid-base Equilibria
  • Topic 2A Bonding
  • Topic 11 Equilibrium II
  • Topic 1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
  • Topic 2B Structure
  • Topic 4A The elements of Groups 1 and 2
  • Topic 13A Lattice energy 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 20th June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 18B Amines, amides, amino acids and proteins
  • Topic 17C Carboxylic acids
  • Topic 16 Kinetics II
  • Topic 5 Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance
  • Topic 2A Bonding
  • Topic 6C Alkenes
  • Topic 17B Carbonyl compounds 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 23rd June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 5 Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance, including understanding of Core Practicals 2 and 3
  • Topic 12 Acid-base Equilibria, including understanding of Core Practical 9
  • Topic 16 Kinetics II, including understanding of Core Practical 13a
  • Topic 13B Entropy
  • Topic 14 Redox II, including understanding of Core Practical 11
  • Topic 17B Carbonyl compounds
  • Topic 18C Organic Synthesis, including understanding of Core Practical 16
  • Topic 4A The elements of Groups 1 and 2
  • Topic 19B Nuclear magnetic resonance 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Pure Mathematics 1 

  • Formal proof
  • The factor theorem
  • Understand and use graphs of functions
  • Use intersection points of graphs to solve equations
  • Transformations of a curve
  • Use of functions in modelling
  • The coordinate geometry of the circle
  • Arithmetic sequences and series
  • Differentiation: stationary points, minima. Radian measure
  • Trigonometric identities and equations
  • Trigonometric functions and identities: area under a curve
  • Exponentials: Solving equations, rate of change
  • Maximum point; iteration
  • Integration as a limit
  • Methods of integration
  • Use vectors to solve a problem in pure mathematics 

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 14th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Pure Mathematics 2

  • Formal proof
  • The modulus of a linear function
  • Understand and use function notation
  • The binomial expansion
  • Sequence generated by an iterative formula
  • Geometric sequences and series; trigonometric identities
  • Use of a trigonometric function
  • The function ax and its graph
  • Differentiation; roots of equations
  • Differentiation from first principles
  • Find maximum and minimum points; Newton- Raphson method
  • Differentiation of curves defined parametrically
  • Area under a curve
  • Solution of a first order differential equation; partial fractions
  • The trapezium rule
  • Use vectors to solve problems in pure mathematics 

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 21st June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;


  • Regression lines (change of variable); hypothesis test for correlation
  • Measures of central tendency and variation
  • Probability and Venn diagrams
  • Discrete probability distributions; normal approximation
  • Normal distribution
  • Hypothesis testing 


  • Constant acceleration in 2-D and Newton’s 2nd law in 2-D using vectors
  • Variable acceleration, language of kinematics
  • Projectiles, constant acceleration
  • Dynamics, resolving forces, friction, equilibrium
  • Statics, moments, resolving forces, friction 

Link to predicted papers

Date; 7th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

• Factor theorem, cubic graphs
• Transformations of graphs
• Conversion between parametric and Cartesian forms, trigonometric identities
• Coordinate geometry, equations of straight lines and circles
• Arithmetic sequences and series, inequalities
• Periodic sequences
• Sum to infinity of a geometric series, exact values of trigonometric functions
• Graphs of trigonometric functions, transformations of graphs
• Small angle approximations of trig functions, binomial expansion

• Implicit differentiation, stationary points of curves
• Tangents to a curve
• The gradient function of a curve
• Area under a curve, integration techniques, trapezium rule
• Integration by substitution, differentiation of trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities
• Newton-Raphson method, areas of sectors and triangles, locating roots by considering a change of sign

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 14th June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Section A
• Proofs by counterexample and exhaustion
• Transformations of graphs, sketch curves defined by simple equations
• Coordinate geometry of the circle
• Binomial expansion, integration of polynomials
• Sine and cosine rules
• Laws of logarithms
• Convex and concave sections of curves
• Differentiation from first principles
• Maximum and minimum points of polynomials
• Solving differential equations, exponential models, partial fractions

Section B
• Position vectors, constant acceleration formulae in two dimensions
• Calculus in kinematics using vectors, calculus for exponential and trigonometric functions, calculus techniques, magnitude of a vector
• Constant acceleration formulae
• Projectile motion, trigonometric functions
• Velocity-time graphs
• Forces in equilibrium in 2D
• Newton's laws of motion, friction, resolving forces, constant acceleration formulae
• Weight and acceleration due to gravity
• Moments

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 21st June - Afternoon

The Whole of A Level Maths | Pure 

List of topics in Specification order;

Section A
• Proof by contradiction
• Inverse functions
• Validity of binomial expansion
• Graphs of trigonometric functions, trigonometric equations
• Using logarithmic graphs to estimate parameters in non-linear relationships
• Connected rates of change
• Parametric differentiation, parametric models
• Stationary points of curves, graphs of a function, domains and ranges of a function,
simultaneous equations
• Area between two curves
• Integrating powers of x

Section B
• Critique statistical sampling
• Sampling methods and terminology

• Interpreting statistical diagrams, distributions
• Probability using Venn diagrams, conditional probability, independent events
• Binomial distribution, binomial probabilities
• Normal distribution properties and probabilities, calculations with summary statistics
• Parameters of a normal distribution
• Hypothesis test for mean of a normal distribution
• Hypothesis test for proportion using binomial distribution

Topics not listed may be assessed in synoptic questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 3

Production of a dilution series of a solute to produce a calibration curve with which to identify the water potential of plant tissue

Required Practical 6

Use of aseptic techniques to investigate the effect of antimicrobial substances on microbial growth

Required Practical 1

Investigation into the effect of a named variable on the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Transport across cell membranes (including Required Practical 3)
-Cell structure
-Genetic diversity and adaptation (including Required Practical 6)
-Gas exchange
-Proteins (including Required Practical 1)
-Mass transport
-Biodiversity within a community

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th June - Afternoon

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 9

Investigation into the effect of a named variable on the rate of respiration of cultures of single-celled organisms

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment
-Respiration (including Required Practical 9)
-Nervous coordination
-Energy and ecosystems
-Nutrient cycles
-Gene expression is controlled by a number of features

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 24th June - Morning

Practicals; "Required Practicals in the lists below should not be taken to imply direct references to those procedures quoted in the Practical Handbook."

Required Practical 2

Preparation of stained squashes of cells from plant root tips; set up and use of and optical microscope to identify the stages of mitosis in these stained squashes and calculation of a mitotic index

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

-All cells arise from other cells (including Required Practical 2)
-Gene technologies allow the study and alteration of gene function allowing a better understanding of organism function and the design of new industrial and medical processes
-Nervous coordination
-Mass transport
-DNA and protein synthesis
-Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected and lead to a response

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 9th June - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 4.3 Gas exchange
  • Topic 4.2 Cell transport mechanisms
  • Topic 6.7 Response to infection
  • Topic 5.7 Photosynthesis
  • Topic 2.2 Viruses 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 17th June - Afternoon

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 9.7 Detection of light by mammals
  • Topic 4.4 Circulation
  • Topic 10.4 Human effects on ecosystems
  • Topic 1.1 Carbohydrates
  • Topic 1.4 DNA and protein synthesis
  • Topic 2.4 Sexual reproduction in mammals
  • Topic 8.3 Gene pools
  • Topic 9.3 Chemical control in plants
  • Topic 9.9 Osmoregulation and temperature regulation
  • Topic 10.3 Changes in ecosystems 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Date; 24th June - Morning

List of topics in rank order, the areas carrying the highest mark allocations at the top of the list;

  • Topic 6.1 Microbial techniques including understanding of Core Practical 12
  • Topic 1.5 Enzymes including understanding of Core Practical 1
  • Topic 4.7 Transport in plants including understanding of Core Practical 8
  • Topic 2.5 Sexual reproduction in plants including understanding of Core Practical 4
  • Topic 8.2 Transfer of genetic information
  • Topic 5.6 Photosynthetic pigments including understanding of Core Practical 10
  • Topic 10.4 Human effects on ecosystems
  • Topic 10.3 Changes in ecosystems including understanding of Core Practical 16
  • Topic 9.5 Nervous transmission 

Topics not listed may be assessed in low-tariff, synoptic or multiple choice questions

Link to predicted papers

Paper 1 Introductory topics in Psychology

Date; 24th May - Morning

List of topics in Specification order

  • Explanations for obedience
  • Explanations of resistance to social influence
  • Minority influence
  • The multi-store model of memory
  • The working memory model
  • Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
  • Animal studies of attachment: Lorenz and Harlow
  • Explanations of attachment
  • Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’
  • Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
  • The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
  • Definitions of abnormality
  • The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias
  • The biological approach to explaining and treating OCD

Topics not listed but may be assesssed in synoptic questions and may add to extended writing answers.

Students will be credited for using any relevant knowledge from any non-listed topic areas
when answering questions.

Paper 2 Psychology in context

Date; 8th June - Morning

List of topics in Specification order

  • Learning approaches
  • The psychodynamic approach
  • Humanistic Psychology
  • The divisions of the nervous system
  • The structure and function of sensory, relay and motor neurons
  • Localisation of function in the brain and hemispheric lateralisation
  • Ways of studying the brain
  • Research Methods – No advance information provided

Topics not listed but may be assesssed in synoptic questions and may add to extended writing answers.

Students will be credited for using any relevant knowledge from any non-listed topic areas
when answering questions.

Paper 3 Issues and options in Psychology

Date; 16th June - Morning

List of topics in Specification order

  • Free will and determinism
  • Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation
  • Ethical implications of research studies and theory
  • Theories of romantic relationships
  • Virtual relationships in social media
  • The role of chromosomes and hormones
  • Cognitive explanations of gender development
  • Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
  • Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
  • The development of social cognition
  • Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
  • Drug therapy
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy and family therapy
  • The importance of an interactionist approach
  • Explanations for food preferences
  • Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa
  • Psychological explanations for obesity
  • The physiology of stress
  • Sources of stress
  • Measuring stress
  • Managing and coping with stress
  • Neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression
  • Media influences on aggression
  • Offender profiling
  • Psychological explanations of offending behaviour
  • Risk factors in the development of addiction
  • Addictive behaviour

Topics not listed but may be assesssed in synoptic questions and may add to extended writing answers.

Students will be credited for using any relevant knowledge from any non-listed topic areas
when answering questions.