What Does It Mean If My Child Is Working Above the Expected Level?

Receiving KS2 SATs results indicating that your child is working above the expected level is a significant achievement and a positive indicator of their academic strengths and capabilities. Understanding what this means can help you provide appropriate support and opportunities to further nurture their talents.

Above Expected Standard

Scaled Scores: A scaled score above 110 indicates that your child is working above the expected standard for their age group in that subject.

High Achievement: Scores above 100 suggest your child has a strong understanding and proficiency in the tested subjects.


Subject-Specific Excellence: Identify specific subjects where your child excels, such as mathematics, reading, or grammar, punctuation, and spelling (GPS).

Advanced Skills: Your child may demonstrate advanced skills and a deeper understanding of concepts than their peers.

Motivation and Curiosity: High-achieving students often exhibit strong motivation, curiosity, and a love for learning.

Cognitive Abilities: Your child may have advanced cognitive abilities, allowing them to grasp and apply complex concepts more quickly.
