Primrose Kitten



The Manga Guide to Biochemistry.

Understanding all the biochemical processes that go on within our bodies isn’t easy. There are way too many elements, factors and compounds to learn in such a short time; it’s a tough topic to handle.

However, what would you say if I told you there’s a fun, easy way to learn about biochemistry without feeling like your brain is getting on fire, and that you are actually learning something new, and even useful?

Well, that’s precisely the case when it comes to this book. The Manga Guide to Biochemistry is perhaps the most original way there is to explain such a complex topic in an easy-going manner that everyone can understand.

The book manages to take a topic so deep and complex like biochemistry and turning it around into a cartoon-like version, creating storylines and dialogues that successfully explain everything you need to know about this field and manages to get the point across.

Author Masaharu Takemura managed to write, or instead create one of the unique books in the science section (actually, he has a whole series about exciting topics explained in a cartoonish way!) by teaching biochemistry using manga.

The book isn’t just about pretty graphics, but about a fascinating and catchy story as well. The book itself starts telling the story about the living cells, a pretty straightforward topic, to then move on to more complex things.

The Manga Guide to Biochemistry takes on various topics such as metabolism, protein synthesis and even energy production. It is an essential guide meant to be read as an introductory book for this topic, but it is exceptionally well written nonetheless.

If you enjoy good graphics, great storytelling and of course, you appreciate the knowledge and scientific research put behind a good story. You will most likely love this particular book.

Keep in mind; there are a whole series of this manga guides that work as introduction guides to various topics (like electricity, statistic and even databases). And don’t get confused, these books aren’t just children books, they are great for anyone, regardless of their age and sex.

Once you finish this book, you’ll end up with way more knowledge on topics like how the body works, about the DNA, the enzymes and proteins. It’s a great book to get you started in the world of biochemistry.

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