Irish Junior Cycle


Revision workbooks

A mix of short and long mix of short and long answer questions to give comprehensive coverage

Learn online

Thousands of multiple choice questions to help you recall the important facts. 

Revision and teaching videos

Theory and practicals as theory and practical’s as well as the popular Whole Topic videos ell a the popular Whole Topic videos


Predicted exam papers

Written in the style of the exam to get you prepared in the style of the exam to get you prepared

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Irish Junior Cycle -GCSE

All papers

• Contains multiple choice questions, structured questions, closed short answers questions and open long response questions

• 15% based on required practical’s

• Maths requirement vary by subject – 10% of the marks in biology, 20% of the marks in chemistry and 30% of the marks in physics. 

Separate Science

•6 papers (2 biology, 2 chemistry and 2 physics, leading to 3 separate GCSEs)

• Each 1 hour 45 minutes

• Each paper is worth 50% of the GCSE

• 100 marks on each paper

Biology Paper 1 Topics 1-4

Biology Paper 2 Topics 5-7

Chemistry Paper 1 Topic 1-5

Chemistry paper 2 Topics 6-10

Physics Paper 1 Topics 1-4

Physics Paper 2 Topics 5-8